Interview on reteconomy
Tomorrow we’ll all be as The Little Prince.
This is the promo video of #DestinazioneSpazio on @Reteconomy (episode 5)
The close encounters of asteroids are quite common. But what are Ateroids and which kind of risk derive from it? We can speak about it with Albino Carbognani, astronomer of “Osservatorio Astronomico della Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta”. We will know Fabrizio Bernardi and Francesca Guerra of the aerospace company SpaceDyS s.r.l. (Navacchio, #Pisa) specialized on space dynamics, on natural and artificial objects and on asteroids impact monotoring, We will speak about the activities of “Nuovo Gruppo Astrofili Arezzo”.
In each episode: the best instruments available on the market to look at the sky, astronomical curiosities and reviews.
We will wait for you at 23:00 on #Reteconomy channel 260 of DTT, 521 of Sky in live streaming on www.reteconomy.it
#cielisereni .