Opening Ceremony of All-Sky Camera
On 24th June 2017 SpaceDyS srl concluded successfully the opening ceremony of the all-sky camera. The device has been installed on the roof of building IV at Polo Tecnologico di Navacchio (PI) and has been dedicated in memory of our friend Jane Philips, who recently passed away too early.
Among the speakers, except our CEO Fabrizio Bernardi, the attendees were:
- Chiara Marmo- representative of FRIPON Project – which is a 100 camera network with the goal to monitor France skies
- Daniele Gardiol – representative of INAF (Torino) and national coordinator of PRISMA project, which depends on FRIPON network and has the same goal: to find meteorites just after their fall, to track meteorites origin and to share this adventure with the public
- Domenico Antonacci – ACA (Associazione Cascinese Astrofili)
- Paolo Bacci – UAI (Unione italiana astrofili) and GAMP (Gruppo Astrofili della Montagna Pistoiese)
- Giovanni Valsecchi associate of SpaceDyS srl and Research Director at IAPS-INAF (Rome), who explained the orbital determination of fireballs and their impact zone
Our all-sky camera detections will be used also for the project A.M.I.C.A. (Asteroid Mitigation Information and Coordiantion Activity). Its goal is to use the observations not only for a scientific purpose, but for a practice one; that is to share to public the correct information concerning the potential risks of fireballs and avoid false alarmism.
Thanks to PRISMA project, as explained by Daniele Gardiol, the network in Italy is becoming more important considering the number of all-sky cameras installed during the last months. The final purpose is to go back to the origin of fireballs.
During these weeks our all-sky camera registered three events: on 30th May we registered the first detection at 23:09, which has been tracked also from other cameras in North Italy, the second one was tracked on 16th June at 2:55 and the third one was detected during the night of 24th June at 23:57 just after the celebration of our all-sky camera Jane.